
Advisory | Include a link on image

ADVISORY Twitter: Include a link on image I shared a bit of advice on Twitter about how to include links on images on July 11'th 2020.  > Check out the thread by clicking on the pic.  It can be helpful whenever you wish to share your artwork or any works on platforms similar to Instagram where links can not directly be attached to images. We as people just often wish to click on something or read and discover more. Especially while that which we see has already caught our attention, we naturally get curious for more.  One more trick I have used is simply adding a short, custom link to the Description with no more words than: GO: 'your link' or anything of such. It did work to some extent, so I do recommend.  #simplify by Triin S. 

Advisory | Artists and Social media

ADVISORY Patreon Community: Artists and Social media I published a post-comment going over the comparison of online and offline marketing in Patreon Community on August 3'rd 2020.  > Check it out by clicking on the pic.   Envisioning here also a clip from "Feel the Beat" (2020) recently available on Netflix , where April first meets the children and provides her advice on how to get on Broadway and succeed. It may sound harsh, but it is true reality. You may never truly know who is passing you, whom you are talking to or who is buying from you. So you better be respectful and nice. Even a young unknown teenager may easily be your manager tomorrow.  #respect by Triin S.